The Roulette is available to spin 3 hours after your last free spin and awards a number of different prizes. It can be spun up to a total of five times during each 3 hour period, with each spin costing increasing number of Nanites. The total amount of any given prize varies depending on your Shelter Level, VIP Level and VIP Status.
Events often require tasks that involve spinning the Roulette 10, 15 or 20 times. Since every free spin takes a minimum of three hours (longer if you can't log in, or you know - sleep) these tasks can often take days to complete. As such, it is recommended that you avoid roulette spin tasks as much as possible. Also, check the event page to see what tasks are coming up so you can plan ahead to know when you will need them, and save Nanites to use in events to purchase additional spins to speed up your progress.
It is recommended that free-to-play players never spend Nanites on the Roulette wheel, except when an event task requires spins.
First Spin | FREE |
Second Spin | 25 Nanites |
Third Spin | 50 Nanites |
Fourth Spin | 75 Nanites |
Fifth Spin | 100 Nanites |
As far as we know, all of these prizes have an equal chance to drop.