Presets function much like “Skins” for other games - once you've unlocked a Preset, you can use it to change the appearance of your Champions. They do not affect the appearance of Chibis or H-Scenes.
Many presets are unlocked as you progress through the game and increase a Champion's Trust Rank. Others can be acquired by collecting Patches - the number of Patches required for each Preset varies based on its rarity. The rarity is based on the Preset itself, not the rarity of the Champion. For example, Ashley has both a Common and a Rare Preset, while Andrea has a Legendary Preset.
Currently Patches can be obtained by:
Any presets listed as (0/1) on a Champion's Info screen are unlocked by some method other than Patches, such as Trust Ranks, completing Champion Missions, and Achievements.
These are a relatively new type of event that can occur alongside traditional events. Unlike normal events which unlock H-Scenes and usually have a story, these are 24 hour roulette style events and the primary rewards for the event are Preset Patches. Each event has a featured Preset for that event, but other random Patches can also be earned. Every 3 hours you get 1 free spin in the Clothing Shop Raid (this is separate from your normal roulette spins, and does not count towards tasks that require roulette spins). Additional spins can be made for 25 nanites each, the cost does not increase for each additional spin. Every fourth spin you are automatically awarded with 1 Patch for the featured Preset along with whatever other prize you earned on that spin.
If you spin and get a Patch for a Preset you already completed, the Patch is replaced with Nanites.
Additionally, if you finished the current featured preset, the Featured Preset Patch is replaced with a Bargain Patch, rewarding one Patch of a random unowned preset of any rarity.
Important: If you own all Presets that can be unlocked via the Clothing Raid, it will not appear anymore until new Presets are released!